Narcissistic revenge

 I experienced this when I put our three children in the car and drove away in a late-night escape from a scary marriage, so I thought I would share this information (written by someone else). 

It might help someone. 

I might add, my husband was planning to marry someone else, (my former "trusted" friend), as soon as he could get his financial ducks in a row (I'm guessing), 

or worse.


How is a narcissist likely to feel if they had you in the devaluation stage but you discarded them first?

Unfortunately, I speak from experience, as I filed for divorce when my ex was in the midst of devaluing me. It was the last thing he expected as he knew I was desperate to save the marriage. The following years (yes, years) were made a living hell by his sustained reaction.

When a narcissist is discarded they would feel shock, followed by searing rage in lieu of sadness, regret, or the other emotions one might feel at being discarded. This can be accompanied by hate, malice, vengefulness… you get the drift. If your “discarding” of them was vague, indecisive, private, or mild, the narcissist might possibly “love bomb” you in an attempt to regain control. If you discarded them in such a way that was public and/or firm, their reaction is likely to be more severe in their attempt to save face. This severe reaction might be kept disguised from others, however.

If a narcissist was not done toying with you, and suddenly found themself unexpectedly discarded by you, they are not going to let you off that easy. They won’t just “move on” and let it go. If they cannot regain control, the smear campaign will commence and they will do anything possible to discredit you, demoralize you, and destroy your reputation.

Upon learning I was leaving him, my ex instantly canceled my phone, moved all our money out of our account, changed the locks on our house, and threw my belongings outside. He then told the neighbors I was mentally ill and to call the police if they saw me try to go inside MY OWN HOME (and they did!!) I believe he even killed my cat although I can’t prove it. He lied to the police, saying I assaulted him. And much more.


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