
Bill Mitchel (on Gab)

Nationalism - "identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations."

Globalism - "the operation or planning of economic and foreign policy on a global basis. 'Millions have lost jobs to the new globalism.'"

And here is the clever trick the left is playing with words:

 is a nationalist policy. White supremacy is a repugnant racist philosophy which (sic) is unrelated to any one nation - it is a globalist mindset. So what the left has done is coined the phrase "white nationalist" to imply that if you are  or , you are a white supremacist.

And of course, that is a false equivalence completed unsupported by the facts or definitions of the word. And yet we have the new Defense Secretary saying we must "rid the military of white nationalism," or in other words, white soldiers who believe in .

And now you see the danger of their words."


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